Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Happy Fall!

Today is the official first day of Autumn! The leaves are changing, school is well underway, and the temperature cools. This Summer has been one of the best! Making new friends, getting closer to others, it's been awesome. Here are a few fun facts from my summer -
Best memory - Probably Mission Arkansas, a mission trip with my church's youth group to Arkansas. I had so much fun and grew so much in Christ.
Garden fun - The most we ever harvest from our garden in one day - 33 cucumbers, 66 jalepenos, 102 ground cherries, 3 gallon buckets of tomatoes, and 3 gallon buckets of green beans. We did LOTS of canning! :)
One new thing I tried - herb gardening. I loved it!
Things I am doing this fall - I am involved in my church's Christmas play (first practice October 5th! It can't come fast enough!) And being involved in American Heritage Girls. AHG is basically girl scouts with a Christian focus - I will post more about it later!
Everybody have a GREAT day, week, and fall! If you have any requests for posts - recipes, art, crochet patterns, pictures of my animals, or how I manage my many animals, comment below!